Explanations: Models as Packages

Models as Packages

Pkg (more detail here)is Julia's builtin package manager, and handles operations such as installing, updating and removing packages. It is often convenient to set Mimi models up as julia packages using the steps described here. "A package is a project with a name, uuid and version entry in the Project.toml file, and a src/PackageName.jl file that defines the module PackageName. This file is executed when the package is loaded."

Models can be registered or unregistered, as described in the next section, but it is not necessary to register a package in order to use the Pkg interface.


The MimiDICE2016 model is an unregistered package. As its README instructs, it can be accessed by:

Running the following command at the julia package REPL:

pkg> add https://github.com/AlexandrePavlov/MimiDICE2016.jl

Now you can use MimiDICE2016 and its exported API:

using MimiDICE2016
m = MimiDICE2016.get_model()

Registries and The Mimi Registry

Update (5/3/2020): Please note that going forward we are moving away from this model and encouraging registration in the General Registry to keep things simple and seamless for users instead of requiring extra maintenance and communication by our team. This will not be a breaking change, so current models registered with the Mimi registry will work as expected.

Packages can be registered in a Registry, and "registries contain information about packages, such as available releases and dependencies, and where they can be downloaded. The General registry is the default one, and is installed automatically".

The Mimi registry is a custom registry maintained by the Mimi development team that co-locates several Mimi models in one central registry in the same way julia co-locates packages in the General registry, where Mimi and other packages you commonly may use are located. While the development team maintains this registry and has some basic requirements such as continuous integration testing (CI) and proper package structure as dictated by julia, they do not claim responsibility or knowledge of the content or quality of the models themselves.

If you are interested in adding a model to the Mimi Registry, please be in touch with the Mimi development team by opening an Issue on the Registry and/or a question on the Mimi forum if you do not receive a timely response. We will aim to create a standard guide for this process soon.


The [MimiDICE2010] model is a registered package in the Mimi Registry, and can be accessed by:

Running the following command at the julia package REPL (only required once):

pkg> registry add https://github.com/mimiframework/MimiRegistry.git

Followed by adding the package:

pkg> add MimiDICE2010

Now you can use MimiDICE2010 and its exported API:

using MimiDICE2010
m = MimiDICE2010.get_model()